Τ-coder API v1
Τ-coder offers an HTTP API for image compression as detailed below as well as open source Python and Golang clients.
Base URL
Prior to using the API you need to obtain and activate an API key. An API key can be requested using the form on the front page. The key can be activated following the link in the email you receive.
Τ-coder API uses HTTP Basic authentication scheme
curl -u "<YOUR-API-KEY>" https://taucoder.com/api/v1
Async API
All τ-coder API is an async and non-blocking. The API consists of two endpoints:
  • submit one or more images for processing, and
  • check status and retrieve results
  • Submit images for processing
    Submit one or more image for processing. Creates one compression job per image. Returns a list of created job IDs.
    MIME type
    Basic, API key
    Request parameters
    Since request is a multipart form, all parameters are passed as individual form parts (see a curl example below)
    options JSON
    Request options
    options.output_format string
    Output format. Valid value: "jpeg"
    options.quality integer or array of intergers
    Compression quality value(s) to use. Must be in range [30 - 90]. If an integer is provided, it will be used for all images. If an array is provided, its length must be equal to the number of images.
    image JPEG or PNG
    Image to compress. This parameter can be specified multiple times to submit multiple images as shown in the example below. When building a request, make sure you provide correct MIME types for each image. In the example below, curl does this automatically.
    Request example
    curl -u '<YOUR-API-KEY>' -X POST \
      -F 'options={ "output_format": "jpeg", "quality": 50 }' \
      -F '[email protected]' \
      -F '[email protected]' \
    MIME type
    Common Response parameters
    Request status. Possible values: "success", "error"
    Successful Response parameters
    A successful response returns an array will unique job IDs and statuses for each input image.
    Successful response example

      "request_status": "success",
      "jobs": [
          "job_id": "e4a3ff2f98c82696e7b02fc25",
          "status": "in-progress",
          "input_filename": "picture1.png"
        }, {
          "job_id": "5e008c2e172f98c82696e7b02",
          "status": "in-progress",
          "input_filename": "picture2.jpg"
    Error Response parameters
    An error response returns a JSON object with HTTP status code and error message.
    Error response example
      "request_status": "error",
      "message": "Unauthorized. Did you forget to activate your API key?",
      "http_status_code": 401
    Retrieve job status and results
    Retrieve job status and results for each processed image. Returns a list of jobs with their statuses and presigned AWS download links.
    MIME type
    Basic, API key
    Request parameters
    .job_ids array of strings
    Array of job identifiers
    Request example
    curl-u '<YOUR-API-KEY>' -X POST \
      -d '{"job_ids": ["e4a3ff2f98c82696e7b02fc25", "5e008c2e172f98c82696e7b02"]}' \
    MIME type
    Common Response parameters
    Request status. Possible values: "success", "error"
    Successful Response parameters
    A successful response returns an array will unique job IDs and statuses for each input image. For completed jobs, "output_url" contains a presigned download URL valid for 24 hours.
    Successful response example

      "request_status": "success",
      "jobs": [
          "job_id": "e4a3ff2f98c82696e7b02fc25",
          "status": "in-progress",
          "input_filename": "picture1.png"
        }, {
          "job_id": "5e008c2e172f98c82696e7b02",
          "status": "done",
          "input_filename": "picture2.jpg",
          "output_url": "<PRESIGNED-DOWNLOAD-URL>",
          "output_content_type": "image/jpeg",
          "output_size": 21456
    Error Response parameters
    An error response returns a JSON object with HTTP status code and error message.
    Error response example
      "request_status": "error",
      "message": "Unauthorized. Did you forget to activate your API key?",
      "http_status_code": 401